Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Future is Nigh

"... The Senate race in Washington,... could be the state that delivers a Republican majority to the upper chamber."-Washington Post

Tonight the election ends in Washington state. The mailed in ballots will be counted and a new leader and a new direction will decided. With a record turnout this midterm election, many people are tentatively waiting on the outcome of this election. If Dino Rossi wins the republicans could retake the senate, thus redirecting the path of our nation.
With issues like Cap & Trade and the Health Care bill still  being fought over much will be decide by the make up of the senate. With deficits rising, and government programs coming up short on funding, programs will have to be cut. Those who we put into office this election cycle will decide which programs to cut, and to whom the tax payer's money will go. Regardless of the outcome of this election many worry about the future of our nation, and many questions have been raised about our future leaders.

With the election and government being a partisan as it is, the question arises if the democrats lose the senate and the house will they find a middle ground or will be thrown into a political grid lock?

With the internal purging of moderate republicans and moderate democratic this election system, will there be members of congress that can bridge the gap?  Or will the democrats try to hold the republicans hostage with their no votes in the same way the republicans did after Obama's election?

Will our leaders be the guiding light to the future of the America? Or the catalysts for its slow demise?

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