Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Going Green and Going Broke

"Electric vehicle owners might have to start paying a $100 registration fee every year under a bill that passed the state Senate on Tuesday...Senate Bill 5251 moved forward in a 36-11 vote, with supporters saying it would ensure that all drivers pay something to maintain state roads but opponents arguing a flat fee for all battery-powered cars was a simplistic approach" The Olympian 

The Washington State Legislature is trying to find more revenue to make for their shortfall this session. One area of interest is electric cars and how they "miss out" on some of the gas tax. So if you have an electric or hybrid you might be dinged for not buying enough gas. I love how our government works....

In regards to electric cars and other" Go Green" vehicles. The federal government also gives tax break to those that buy them. So some people suggest that maybe instead of making up a Hybrid/electric tax just eliminate there tax ride off. That might be a better option in my opinion. I don't think the government should give tax incentives for private business but that's just me. What ever the out come, the go green crowd will be paying a little more of there own greens.

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