Change is coming to Washington this year, but is it change we can believe in? With the Republicans taking control of the house and more of Obama's cabinet members leavings, the ground is fertile for radical change. With the republicans sighting in on Obama Care and cutting the deficit, the Democrats are already on the defensive even before the session has started.
The new wave of freshman congressman have been sworn in and their education is underway. It will be interesting to see what comes about from the new officials. Will the more diverse group bring about a more middle of the road approach to American politics or will the next year be nothing more then a political quagmire?
Ones things for certain, the media will have an easy job making the new congress interesting. Internal fighting, health care lawsuits, corruption charges, Immigration reforms and much more! Get ready for 2011 here comes the chaos.
I'd love it if they could roll back some things, but would be happy if they just stop making things worse!!!