Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Losing touch: The Federal Government vs. The American People

The results are in and federal government has the lowest approval rating in the history of America. In a recent Gallup poll only 14% of American approve of what the government is doing. According to the Rasmussen Reports Poll only 23% think the nation is going in the right direction. This doesn't bod well for our nation, when the highest offices in the land are disagreed with so heavily. Why did the government get so distanced from the American people?  The Right wing and the Left wing are held in equal levels of contempt. It appears that neither side really acts in the benefit of the nation as a whole. The deficit that the right is support to be champing is only growing with votes for new spending projects like the tax package being voted on currently. Pork is being added to bills by those that claimed to be against it. Those that want to help the middle class just put our nation further into the red for a temporary bandage on the economy. It seems that those in office care more about there interest those that elected them. Unless the average Joe finds a way to get his voice heard i don't see this happening anything soon.

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