This invasive intrusion into the lives of the American people doesn't help make us safer as some member of the media has pointed out. We increase our security on the people flying but not on the employees of the airline nor the baggage or shipping systems. So as it stands now we the TSA will feel up an old lady but not screen the workers that could easily place a bomb on a plane. The TSA is what some people have a call "Security Theater" as in its nothing more then a show. Its the "Illusion of Security" that should "scare away" terrorist or bad people from doing crime but as we have seen in reality, and illusion of security is just that.
It bothers me to think that so many people would be for this extremely invasive form of security. If we apply this logic to other aspects of our national security people would be up in arms. Should we allow law enforcement to be able to search our homes with out a warrant? Should the government be aloud to have access to all of our mail and emails to make sure there are no terrorist plot forming? Should we have security "techniques" such as these before every football game or major league sporting events? After all there are more people in a stadium then in a plane. At what point to we draw the line between safety and freedom?
The TSA is another example of a government program that abuses the people for the "betterment of the people". Its scary to think that some people think that big brother is the only one that can protect us from ourselves and terrorist abroad. Especially when every foiled terrorist attack was stopped by people on the plane or in the area, not by big brother or other organizations. On the war on terror the civilians are the front line, so its surprising that with every terrorist attack our freedoms are taken away....
Now, this one I'm gonna have to disagree with you on...
what do you disagree with?
ReplyDeleteI agree that this is invasive to out privacy. And I like the comment on the fact that the terrorist attacks that have happened have been stoped by the people on the plane. Where will this stop!