Monday, September 27, 2010

Recapturing the American Dream

Can we ever recapture the American dream?  How do we fight the culture that we were raised to emanate? The answer as non-tangible as the American dream itself. In one of my college philosophy classes my professor asked us this question; " At what point does a castle cease to be a castle and instead become a pile of stones?" The simple answer is the castle is a castle as long as you believe to be one. In this truth as odd as it may sounds lies the path to the reviving the American dream.

Americans are not defined by an ethnic group, nor a religion or by geographic boundaries. Americans are defined by there beliefs and the view that the American dream can be realized. The American dream in our generation has been damaged, our view in it's truth has been shaken, and to a point destroyed. So how do we "rebuild", how do we recapture the American dream?

"At what point does a castle cease to be a castle and instead become a pile of stones? If the castle is "destroyed" is it still a castle? If all those that remembered it as it was, were killed, does it cease to be? Once people no-longer believe that it can be rebuilt, and restored, then it is destroyed. For no matter the stones shape or location, they will always be stone, but only in our mind can castles ever be created and destroyed."

The way we revive the America dream is simple yet in its own way challenging. To Recapture the American dream we once again must believe that the American dream can be possible again.

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