Friday, September 3, 2010

The Power to Change

There are few times when such a small group can define the very fate of our nation. This November the college vote will decide the fate of our nation.  The New York Times came out with an article today about the impact of the college vote and how it will define the outcome of the nation and state elections.

"How and whether millions of college students vote will help determine if Republicans win enough seats to retake the House or Senate, overturning the balance of power on Capitol Hill, and with it, Mr. Obama’s agenda. If students tune out and stay home it will also carry a profound message for American society about a generation that seemed so ready, so recently, to grab national politics by the lapels and shake." The New York Times

Rarely do students or young adults truly have the bargaining chips that they do in this election. The pivotal nature of these elections mean that the powers to be will have to listen to young adults to get our votes. So the question arises what will the voices of college students call for?  As the Seattle Time reported, voter apathy among the youth is normally high so with this close election will college students understand the power they have before its to late?

"Drawing voters to a midterm election is always a challenge. Although the entire U.S. House of Representatives is up for grabs, and roughly a third of the Senate — plus legislative seats and decisions on state ballot measures — midterm elections don't generate the attention presidential elections do." The Seattle Times

The big question is with the importance of this election will college students take the reigns and decide the fate of our nation or will other define the future our on nation for us?

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